I've been thinking a lot about school culture because I know how tough and daunting school can sometimes feel. Rather than thinking about how to make everyone happy, I've been framing it more as how a group of people can come together through genuine shared excitement for how to do great things for kids and learning. Here are some of my "starting points" for a topic that I believe deserves continual inquiry, reflection, and support.
There is not a one-size-fits-all approach to school culture since culture is contextual and personal, and it is important to always remember that school culture is about the quality of one's community and what the community is able to accomplish together.
Therefore an important entry into culture is RESPECT. I believe most people in a school are genuinely interested in doing good things for kids, willingly work hard, and want to experience success at what they do. Respect needs to be expressed for the work of the past, present, and future to build trust and a strong school tradition.
I think it is a good practice to look at change or new directions as "standing on the shoulders of those who have gone before." This acknowledges and respects the work of those in the past. I think it is good practice to be open to learn from everyone who is presently around you, and not have learning be predominately determined by status or power. Finally, I think it is good practice to continue to respect ourselves and others as we try new ideas and fail. Failure is vastly under-rated, and we can all increase our learning exponentially if we become more accepting of failure. All of this is about how we respect ourselves and others, so that we create a strong culture for learning and growth.
A second important component of school culture is a compelling VISION for what the school aspires to be for kids. There are many vision statements that are flat and corporate-sounding. Vision statements may be developed collaboratively or a leader may share a vision that touches the hearts and minds of a school community. In short, the vision should not feel like another routine, but rather should feel like a calling. When members of a school community rally behind a vision, the possibilities are limitless.
Third, it is important to understand how people are genuinely motivated and inspired in their work. A lot of research has emerged on what motivates people to do great work, but Daniel Pink has perhaps done the best job of synthesizing three main themes: AUTONOMY, MASTERY, and PURPOSE.
Once there is a compelling Vision, people want to experience autonomy and self-direction in realizing the vision. If the culture becomes too prescriptive or too tight, then people will experience compliance and frustration. People also need the time, support, and feedback to develop mastery. Jumping on and off different tracks does not allow opportunity for people to develop and experience mastery. Therefore a sense of continuity and progress are essential. People naturally seek purpose in their lives, and purpose emerges when people see how they connect to the whole. Part of purpose is feeling valued. Another part of purpose is experiencing encouragement to create, invent, explore, discover, fail, and to collaborate with other adventurous souls. There is a feeling of exhilaration and worth when members of a school community experience genuine autonomy, mastery, and purpose.
While all of these components are essential to school culture, it is important to also create a school environment where DIVERSITY is pursued and recognized as a strength. Diversity provides different perspectives, and allows opportunity for ideas to mash in ways that create new possibilities. While all schools are challenged by various types of politics and personal ambitions, there needs to be a way for members to proactively monitor and modulate this so that there is a continual "flow" of diverse ideas and talents.
For diversity to flourish, there needs to be trust that it is okay to have a different perspective, to share it openly, and to potentially debate it. Agreements may need to be established, but it is important that everyone feel their "voice" is valued and has been heard. In a culture of fear, voices go underground because of a belief that diverse perspectives are not valued. This then leads to a continual tug-of-war for power by various players. While diversity can be a challenging experience, it is always worth it when viewed through the lens of deeper levels of understanding and willing collaboration for new possibilities. Native Americans refer to "original medicine" as the value of all members of the tribe to collectively bring forward healing and a promising future.
A final component to school culture is CELEBRATION. To be great at anything requires tremendous dedication and effort. Sometimes the struggle to build mastery can feel overwhelming. Sometimes one can have doubts about the vision or one's own part in the vision, and yet one continues forward in good faith. To help a school culture move through complicated and difficult times, it is important to "shine the light" on what is working and to celebrate small and large victories. Taking time to celebrate is also a way for a school to show it genuinely cares about its members and to signal that everyone is in this together. There is also an ebb and flow to the school year, and finding ways to celebrate during "heavy times" or "long stretches" can be a way to re-gain momentum and collegiality.
I believe these seven characteristics of RESPECT, VISION, AUTONOMY, MASTERY, PURPOSE, DIVERSITY, and CELEBRATION are essential to quality school culture. Rather than looking to a person or group of persons as responsible for these characteristics, I believe it is everyone's responsibility to contribute to positive and productive school culture. These characteristics are as much for a community of students as they are for educators and parents. I would encourage everyone to think of a time in their lives when the culture of a particular place was inspiring. Reflect on what made that place and time so special, and start a conversation with those around you as to how you can collectively create a school culture that makes every day an exciting and purposeful adventure.
The journey starts with a single step . . .
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